The Servant of Two Masters
By Carlo Goldoni
Co-Adapted by Oded Gross and Tracy Young
Music by Paul Prendergast
Lyrics by Oded Gross, Tracy Young and Paul Prendergast
By Carlo Goldoni
Co-Adapted by Oded Gross and Tracy Young
Music by Paul Prendergast
Lyrics by Oded Gross, Tracy Young and Paul Prendergast
12 - 8 men, 4 women
This play within a play is about a theatre company going through economic strife as it attempts to mount Goldoni’s famous Commedia and its absurdly complicated circumstances keeping two pairs of lovers apart, while the servant Truffaldino tries to bring everything to a happy conclusion.
“…Will have you thinking that times like these really are pretty great.”
“…It is brilliant, and contains perhaps a hint of something beyond the laughs.”

The Oregon Shakespeare Festival. 2009. The Servant of Two Masters. Photo: Jenny Graham.
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